From the President: 

On Wednesday, August 2nd, Illinois Farm Bureau leaders, including myself, VP Duncan, and several board members attended the Future of Ag Forum, an event that IFB started in 2019. This event allows for farmer leaders to come together and dedicate time to focus on issues that are impacting agriculture now or are set to impact agriculture in the future.

This year, the event was hosted by the Illinois Farmers Council, an entity created in 2022, made up of IFB, Illinois Corn Growers Association, Illinois Soybean Association, IL Beef Association, IL Pork Producers Association, and the IL Milk Producers Association. The event focused on the science behind carbon capture and storage, and included hearing from ADM, who has been using this technology for over a decade. Attendees also heard about future market pathways regarding clean energy. Recent supreme court rulings on WOTUS and Prop 12 were also a topic on the agenda, with a discussion around the implications for farmers.

Thank you to our staff who organized the event and to our leaders for their participation in these important conversations.
