From the President: 

Prairie Farms Dairy (PFD) CEO Matt McClelland address the IFB Board last week. PFD is the largest dairy cooperative in the Midwest and the second largest in the country. He noted PFD brand recognition has already reached as far as Alaska, where Prairie Farms’ shelf stable milk is being sold. The milk has a shelf life of 12-13 months and can be available anywhere and anytime.

The last few years have been challenging for the dairy industry, but Matt is optimistic for 2023.

Ongoing challenges include the lingering pandemic, inflation, supply chain disruptions and a labor shortage. While the labor issue is improving, 6-7% of Prairie Farm’s workforce (7,000-plus employees) are open positions.

Matt laid out key objectives for the future, including better utilization of base production pounds, milk price modernization, continued margin improvement, among other goals.

While the number of member farms has dropped by 15% the past couple years — an average of one per week — overall production was only slightly down thanks to skilled dairymen and efficient technology. Prairie Farms currently has about 699 farm members.

While the co-op is about sales and service, Matt says he has stressed the need to become a solutions provider.


