2023 County Activity of Excellence Winners

AFBF received 143 entries across all membership categories, marking this as one of their most competitive years. All the applicants demonstrated a commitment to improving county programming and uplifting volunteer leaders. Although all applications showed quality and innovative thinking, 24 activities have been selected to be showcased at convention.

Congratulations to the following counties for being selected as winners in the CAE. The selected counties have the opportunity to participate in the 2023 American Farm Bureau Convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico. If you are a winning county, please do not complete registration for convention until you have received approval to do so from AFBF. You will be receiving additional information within the next week to help you plan for convention.

Again, congratulations to these outstanding county Farm Bureau organizations as they serve as models of innovation for county program success. The following county organizations are invited to join us at the 104th American Farm Bureau Convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico:

Direct questions to Mary Beth Dale at maryd@fb.org. Additional information concerning the AFBF Annual Convention can be found on the official convention website at http://annualconvention.fb.org
