From the President:  

A group of ten Midwest state Farm Bureau presidents and AFBF President Zippy Duvall met recently in Rosemont, Illinois to discuss many of the key issues facing our members.

This critical meeting gave me the opportunity to represent our organization and increase urgency with likeminded stakeholders in addressing the challenges we face. We’re able send a united message to AFBF to gain federal support and strategy on the key issues. Some of the topics we discussed include:

  • CO2 Pipeline (we discussed having AFBF consider a working group around renewable energy and carbon sequestration to make sure we have consistent policies that protect private property rights)
  • Farm Bill
  • Trade (both with Mexico and the biotech issue, and the importance of getting more trade agreements done by the Biden administration)
  • Prop 12
  • Drought

I’ll continue to advocate for our members on our policy positions, as voted on by our delegates, to ensure our members are heard and progress is made on key topics.
